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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 24

Architectural Drawings Mr. George E. Maule

Identifier: MS-093

This collection contains Mylar copies of drawings done by Leslie Hodgson and Smith. The collection was donated in 1979 by Carolyn Nebeker and Thomas J. Moore. The drawings are housed in the Mapcase.

Dates: 1900 - 1920

Architectural Drawings of the Richards and Hunt Store

Identifier: MS-098

Architectural drawings for the Richards and Hunt Store created by Leslie Hodgson.

Dates: 1915

Architectural Drawings Tabernacle Square and Landscape

Identifier: MS-104

This collection contains drawings of Tabernacle Square and Landscape by Leslie Hodgson and W. T. Stillwell. The drawings were donated in 1979 by Carolyn Nebeker and Thomas J. Moore. The drawings are located in the Mapcase.

Dates: 1900 - 1920

Ben Lomond Hotel Photograph Collection

Identifier: P-098

Defense Depot Ogden Architectural Drawings Collection

Identifier: MS-264
Abstract The drawings architectural drawings of the Defense Depot of Ogden (DDO) deal mostly with renovating, remodeling, and updating the buildings between the 1940s and the late 1990s. There is a group of drawings in the early 1940s that includes original blueprints for newly built buildings. Almost every drawing was given a number within a series. The series if fairly easy to follow with each project number followed the last two digits of the year in which the drawing was used. The series from the...
Dates: 1940 - 1999

George L. Nichols Architectural and Mechanical Drawings Collection

Identifier: MS-133

106 Architectural drawings created by George Nichols who was an architect for the U.S. Forest Service Intermountain Region based in Ogden Utah.

Dates: 1912 - 1951

George Nichols Collections

Identifier: MS-078

This collection contains photographs, journals, scrapbooks, and architectural drawings of George Nichols. He was an architect for the U.S. Forest Service Building located in Ogden, Utah. He built ranger stations and park elements throughout Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. In this collection were also books from the International Correspondence Schools that were taken out of the collection and catalogued into Special Collections.

Dates: 1915 - 1965

Hodgson Family Oral Histories

Identifier: MS-249

This collection contains oral histories of two of Leslie Hodgson daughters and numerous grandchildren. Leslie Hodgson was a prominent architect in Ogden and worked on projects such as Ogden High School and the Egyptian Theatre. Michael Mackay and Michael Mitchell as part of their history requirement collected the interviews.

Dates: 2000

James Chamberlain Architectural Drawings Collection

Identifier: MS-157

This collection contains drawings created by James Chamberlain for buildings around Ogden. Most of the buildings were additions or alternations to existing structures. The firm did work for the Ogden City Board of Education remodeling schools throughout Ogden.

Dates: Other: Date Not Yet Determined

Keith Wilcox Architectural Drawings

Identifier: MS-454
Dates: Other: Date Not Yet Determined

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  • Subject: Ogden (Utah) X
  • Subject: Architecture. X

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Ogden (Utah) 23
Architecture--Designs and plans 16
Architecture, Domestic 10
Hodgson, Leslie 7
Architecture. 4