Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 61
Nephi Jensen Scrapbook
O. Wayne Thornock Pamphlet Collection
This collection contains pamphlets collected by Wayne Thornock during his LDS mission in England after World War II. The items were donated by Mr. Thornock in 2006.
Ogden 3rd Ward Bishop's Store House Donation Book
The book lists members alphabetically and the amount and type of donation they made. Donations ranged from cash, labor, hay, lumber, produce, diary, and meat. Members of the 3 rd Ward included Eccles, Farr, Eastman, and Pingree families.
Ogden 20th Ward Dedication
The Ogden 20 th Ward was created from the 4 th and 23 rd Wards in Ogden, Utah on March 20,
1927, and dedicated on June 24, 1934, taking seven years to build.
Ogden Fourth Ward
Two booklets of poetry in celebration of Mother’s Day, compliments of the
Ogden Fourth Ward and the Ogden Fourth Ward Sunday School, Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, 1941, 1947, Ogden, Utah. Includes poems from Mother—Heart of Gold by
Theodore E. Curtis.
Ogden Herald Supplement Collection
Ogden Herald Supplement, April 8, 1887. Full page article on “An Epistle of the First Presidency
to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in General Conference Assembled.”
Ogden Postcards
Ogden Regional Family Center Pioneer Scrapbook
Ogden Stake Gleaner and MM Activities Scrapbook
This scrapbook contains records kept by the different gleaner Stake Secretaries from 1934 –
1940. Records include organizational records, photographs, ephemera, and newspaper clippings
related to the organization’s events.
Ogden Tabernacle
Items related to the Ogden, Utah Tabernacle of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. Includes a program for a concert of John Philip Sousa and his band held
December 1, 1919; a souvenir program for “Dedicatory Services, Ogden Latter-day Saints’
Tabernacle,” Sunday, February 12, 1956; and a program for “The First Annual David O. McKay
Honor Day,” February 25, 1965.