Showing Collections: 1 - 7 of 7
Early History of Willard
The Dora McKay Photograph Collection
The collection consists of photographs and negatives taken by Vince McKay of Ogden (aerial views), 1951, Ogden Airport, 1929, and Willard Flood, August 14, 1923.
The Jerome Bernstein Photograph Collection of Civil Conservation Corps Camps in the Intermountain West
The contents of this photograph collection consist of 328 photographs of Civil Conservation Corps Camps in the Intermountain West, built in the Depression Era of the 1930’s. The collection was donated to the Stewart Library, Special Collections, by Dr. Jerome Bernstein of Weber State College in 1979. The photographs are restricted for use.
The Kimball Hadfield Collection
The collection consists of an original paper and Xerox copy of a biographical sketch of a
Mormon pioneer.
Willard City, Utah Letter
Letter addressed to Elmer from Violet, dated November 17, 1918, Willard City,
Utah. Letter is full of casual conversation and implies that Elmer is still enlisted in the military,
although World War I is over.
Willard, Utah Photographs
Black and white photographs of Willard, Utah, c.a. 1912-1915, 3 ½ x 5 ½. Scenes include people, houses, livestock, farming, and farmland.
William and Catherine King Collection
Reproductions of photographs taken by W.H. Jackson, July, 1872. Ogden, Utah and surrounding area. Black and white. 8" x 10".