Showing Collections: 1721 - 1730 of 1885
Various Ogden Billheads
Various business billheads and receipts dated 1897-1907
Verna Lindsay Scrapbook
This collection was donated by Verna Lindsay's family in 2005. The scrapbook contains information from Central Jr. High, Ogden High School, and Weber College .
Veteran's Association records
Vice President of Business Affairs records, 1950-1987
Vice President of Student Affairs records, 2010-2015
Victory News
Found at and donated by Ogden High School, the Victory News Collection is made up of Utah Army Service Forces Depot-DDO (Defense Depot Ogden), Victory News. They are arranged chronologically from 1943-1944. There is one with no date.
Vincent Bates papers, 2002-2023
This collection contains the open-source peer-reviewed journal Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education produced by the MayDay Group
Virginia Parsons Photograph Collection
Small photograph and photographic negatives of young girls in Ogden, Utah, c.a. 1929. Girls are engaged in activities such as swimming and swinging. Negatives have been scanned and reproduced by the computer. Eleven photographs, black and white, 2 x 3, 4 x 5.
Viva May Wilcox Collection
Viva May Wilcox collection, 1939-1966
WSC Dance Programs; Report Card; Activity card; building dedication programs