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Showing Collections: 1911 - 1920 of 1922

WWII East India Newspaper

Identifier: MSS -538
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a newspaper of the Bengal Air Depot.

Dates: 1945

WWII Memorabilia

Identifier: MSS -541
Scope and Contents

This collection contains postcards, pamphlets, stickers and other WWII memorabilia.

Dates: 1940s

WWII Naval Uniforms and Memorabilia

Identifier: MS-495
Scope and Contents

"4 Navy uniforms; unknown family photos; Ralph Checketts separation record and photo (scan and return photo); “all gave some…Booklet and memorial photos"

Dates: dates not determined

WWII Oral History Project Interviewees

Identifier: MSS-633
Scope and Contents

CDs, correspondence, photo copied photos and information about some of our WWII interviewees

Dates: 2000-2010

WWII Project

Identifier: MSS-653
Scope and Contents

photos, CDs of people of WWII FD 1 DeCaria Family FD 2 Carl De Young FD 3 Jeannette Koning FD 4 Ally Lewis FD 5 Chris Markos FD 6 George Milton FD 7 ElDean Nurseth FD 8 Fern Van Orden FD 9 Blanche Wesley FD 10 Wilford Young

Dates: 1940-1950

WWII Scrapbooks

Identifier: MS -496
Scope and Contents

This collection contains two scrapbooks from World War II.

Dates: 1940s

WWII Soldiers

Identifier: P-297
Scope and Contents This collection of photographs was donated by Charlie Trentleman in 2017 to the Weber State University Special Collections. This collection contains photographs of World War II Soldiers at home and abroad, vehicles from the World War Two era, and women of the time period. Nine photographs are of a man named “Carl”. Four of the photographs are identified as the following names: Ken Walker, Johnny Edman, Pete, and Shirley Mann. There are also photographs identified as PFD Odd, PFD Royce,...
Dates: 1939 - 1945

WWII V-Mail Collection

Identifier: MSS-530
Scope and Contents

This collection contains V-mail letter from Howard Hogge to his family.

Dates: 1944

WWII Veterans Oral Histories (Venture Academy)

Identifier: MS-418
Scope and Contents

This collection contains oral histories collected by students from Venture Academy from veterans of World War II who were living at the George Wahlen Home in Ogden. It also contains a CD of photographs of the veterans and time spent at the retirement home.

Dates: 1940 - 1950

Young Democratic Club of Utah

Identifier: MSS-274
Scope and Contents

Young Democratic Club of Utah 1944 Convention program for events held at the

Utah Power & Light Auditorium, June 9, 1944.

Dates: 1944-06-09

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Ogden (Utah) 778
Correspondence 117
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 116
Weber County, Utah 83
Railroads 63
World War, 1939-1945 57
Newspaper 52
Utah Construction Company 49
Business and Industry 47
Photographs. 45
Ogden Valley (Utah) 40
Ogden Canyon (Utah) 39
Weber State College--WSC 38
Ogden High School 35
Union Pacific Railroad 33
25th Street--Ogden (Utah) 32
Business 32
Letters. 31
Weber State University--WSU 31
Family history 30
Military 27
Postcards 25
Salt Lake City, Utah 25
Architecture--Designs and plans 22
Hill Air Force Base 22
World War, 1914-1918 22
Education, Secondary 21
Ogden, UT 21
Becker Brewery Company 20
Literature 20
Scrapbook journaling. 20
Clippings (books, newspapers, etc.). 19
Women--Societies and clubs 19
Baseball--Utah--Ogden 18
Corporate minutes. 18
Mining 18
Women--Societies and clubs--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 18
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--Missions 17
Music 17
Weber College 17
Women--Societies and clubs. 17
Crime 16
Faculty member, College or university. 16
Streets 16
Advertising and Marketing 15
Agriculture 15
Mormon Pioneers 15
Stock certificates 15
Stockyards--Utah--Ogden 15
Utah International 15
Clubs and Societies 14
Mormonism 14
Thomas D. Dee Memorial Hospital 14
Union Station--Ogden (Utah) 14
Architecture, Domestic 13
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints--Missionaries 13
Eccles, David 13
Hoover Dam (Ariz. and Nev.) 13
Ogden Pioneer Days 13
Property 13
Religion 13
Southern Pacific Railroad 13
Church buildings--Utah--Ogden 12
Music--Performance 12
Oral histories. 12
Portraits 12
Theater. 12
Universities and colleges--Accounting. 12
Utah 12
Weber State College--Publication of proceedings. 12
Deeds 11
Great Salt Lake (Utah) 11
Newsletters. 11
Ogden City Police 11
Schools--Ogden (Utah) 11
Theaters--Utah--Ogden 11
Universities and colleges. 11
Faculty member, college or university 10
Funeral rites and ceremonies 10
Lucin Cutoff (Utah) 10
Medicine and Health 10
Minor league baseball--United States 10
Ogden Standard Examiner 10
Parades 10
President, educational institution. 10
Streets--Ogden (Utah) 10
Transportation 10
Utah--Politics and government 10
Weber State University. -- WSU 10
Ben Lomond Hotel (Ogden, Utah) 9
Brigham City (Utah) 9
Cattle trade 9
College student government. 9
DeVoto, Bernard, 1897-1955 9
Dee 9
Eccles Family 9
Education, Elementary 9
Hodgson, Leslie 9
Huntsville (Utah) 9
Lagoon (Farmington, Utah) 9
Weber State University Student Association 13
Administrative Services 5
Athletic Department 4
Weber State University 4
Weber State University Archives 4
College of Arts and Humanities 3
Department of Geography 3
Student Affairs Division 3
University Advancement 3
University Development 3
Weber High School 3
Weber State College. 3
Academic Affairs Division 2
Alumni Relations 2
Association of Women Students. 2
Board of Regents 2
Career Services 2
Clarke, Robert 2
College of Applied Science and Technology Collection 2
Davidson, Thomas 2
Department of Performing Arts 2
Facilities Management 2
Human Resources 2
Koldewyn, Donald 2
Lampros, Jack 2
Lofgreen, Karen Blair 2
Sanders, Ken 2
Swenson, Ruth P. Stewart 2
Weber Normal College 2
Weber State University--College of Applied Science and Technology. 2
Weber State University--College of Education. 2
Admissions 1
Associated Women Students 1
Automotive Technology Department 1
Bachelor of Integrated Studies 1
Bagley, Josephine Burton 1
Barker, James L 1
Barrow, Susan 1
Bateman, Harold 1
Bates, Vincent 1
Berry, Wendell 1
Bingham, Delbert 1
Bishop, Joseph L. 1
Board of Trustees 1
Bowring, Jack 1
Boy Scouts of America. 1
Brady, Rodney H. 1
Braithwaite, Kyle 1
Branch, Jean 1
Browning, John M. 1
Buck, Joyce 1
Burton, Thomas 1
Busco, Ralph 1
Carr, Larry 1
Carroll, LaVon 1
Center for Aerospace Technology 1
Center for Multicultural Excellence. American Indian Council 1
Center for Technology Outreach 1
Cheney, Merlin, Dr. 1
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1
Clapp, William G 1
Cloward, Dix 1
College of Health Professions 1
College of Science 1
Collett, Farrell R. 1
Croft, Alfred Russell, Sr. 1
Dayton, Dello (1915-1981) 1
DeMoss, Rick 1
Dean's Council 1
Dental Hygiene Department 1
Department of Child and Family studies 1
Dillard 1
Disability Services Center 1
Dixon, Henry Aldous 1
Eason, Jamie 1
Ebay 1
Eisler, David L. 1
Elliott, Hal 1
Elsley, Judy 1
Elzey, John M. 1
English Professors 1
Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate 1
Faculty Women's Association 1
Flinders, Connie 1
Flowers, Aiko 1
Foulger, James R. 1
Franke, Ethel 1
Fred , Rabe 1
Gesteland, Becky Joe 1
Gidney, Edith 1
Gillespie, L. Kay 1
Glidden, Jock 1
Goeckeritz, Issac 1
Golden Key National Honor Society (U.S.). 1
Greek Council 1
Green, Anne and Maurice 1
Hall, Clarisse 1
Handy, Scott 1
Harrold, Frank 1
Harrop, Jerry 1