Showing Collections: 21 - 26 of 26
Raylene Western Family Photographs
Contains family photocopies of the Western family including photos of Ogden Canyon, Old Mill, Ogden Street Scenes during a flood, and Pioneers Days with a photo of Harmon Peery. Also contains a CD-R of the photographs.
Richard Roberts Historical Ogden Photograph Collection
This collection contains originals and copies of photographs collected by Dr. Richard Roberts. Most of the photographs were used in his book co-author with Dr. Richard Sadler titled “Weber County’s History.” The files may also include the caption and sidebar used in the book.
Sanborn Maps of Ogden
This collection contains the Sanborn fire insurance maps for Ogden City. The maps were originally created in 1906 and then corrections and additions in the form of paste-ups were done until 1952. The maps cover all of Ogden City along with a few of the surrounding area.
Tharen Blue Photograph Collection
The CD-R in this collection contains photos from the 2010 WSU String Project Concert, 2010 and 2011 Witchstock, 2011 and 2012 Zombie Crawl and the 2012 25th Street Car Show.
The Ogden City Redevelopment Agency Collection
Copies of reports on historical and archaeological surveys of various structures in the Ogden,
Utah, area. Includes editions of newsletter, Block to Block, and photographs of architect, Leslie
S. Hodgson, and home owners Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon Houtz. Compiled by the Ogden City
Redevelopment Agency in conjunction with Sagebrush Archaeological Consultants. It also
includes additions from 1992.
Title Abstract for Jefferson Ave. between 36th and 37th
This collection contains the Title Abstract for Jefferson Ave. between 36 th and 37 th streets for 4
lots, confirmation of sale, and release of mortgage documentation.