Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 34
Railroad Miscellaneous Collection
This collection contains items collected for exhibit use during the 2004 UCC Symposium. It includes items relating to the Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, and Western Pacific Railroads.
Railroad Stories
This collection contains poems and information about working on the railroad.
Railway Men’s Time Book
Richard Roberts Collection
This collection contains the research and writings of Richard Roberts into the histories of Weber County, Utah and Ogden, Utah. The collection is arranged by topic.
Richard Roberts Historical Ogden Photograph Collection
This collection contains originals and copies of photographs collected by Dr. Richard Roberts. Most of the photographs were used in his book co-author with Dr. Richard Sadler titled “Weber County’s History.” The files may also include the caption and sidebar used in the book.
"Riding the Rails" Exhibit Collection
This collection contains matted photographs from an exhibit that was showcased in Special Collections during 2002.
The Emma Russell Photograph Collection
This collection consists of photographs from the Footprints of Roy, 1873-1979 by Emma Russell. The book is a history of Roy from its earliest days to present time. The photographs were donated by Emma Russell and are of early settlers and buildings. The material is for non-commercial use only.
The Richards Roberts Photograph Collection of Railroad and Ogden History
The collection of photographs of early railroad pictures taken largely in Ogden and Weber County and also in Box Elder County, Utah. The photographs include maps, architectural drawings, portraits of railroad officials, panoramic views of railroads, logos, Corinne, Devil’s Slide, Promontory Point, Union Depot and Southern Pacific Shops. The pictures date late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Also the 145th Military Division is shown.
Transcontinental Railroad Photograph Collection
Reproductions of photographs of the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869, and of some individuals who were involved with it. Includes the classic photograph taken at the site of the driving of the Golden Spike, accredited to photographer Charles R. Savage, but actually taken by photographer, Andrew J. Russell.
Union Pacific Railroad Manuscript Collection
The contents of this collection were donated by Union Pacific Railroad of Omaha. It contains the Union Pacific Timetables for 1969 and 1970 and a copy of the Golden Spike Centennial issue of Transportation News , April 26, 1969.