Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 24
Ariel Frederick Scrapbook
This collection contains a scrapbook made by Ariel Frederick during her years in Ogden as a high school student at Ogden High, her college work at the University of Wyoming , and then her first few years teaching for the Glendo Public Schools in Wyoming. Items that have come loose from the scrapbook have been removed and placed in folders.
Delecta Moench School Notebooks
The Moench School Book Collection contains 3 Ogden High School notebooks of Delecta B.
Moench purchased by Loreda Bosley at a local yard sale in 1954. Moench was the daughter of
Louis F. Moench, one of the founders and first principal of Weber Stake Academy.
George E. Peterson Collection
Gwen Slaughter Collection
This collection includes materials from Ogden High School.
Idonna Burnett School Report Cards
School report cards for Idonna Burnett of Ogden, Utah. Report cards are from
Pingree Elementary for grade 5, 1928-1929; grade 6, 1929-1930, and from Ogden High School
for grade 10, ca. 1934.
James Chamberlain Architectural Drawings Collection
This collection contains drawings created by James Chamberlain for buildings around Ogden. Most of the buildings were additions or alternations to existing structures. The firm did work for the Ogden City Board of Education remodeling schools throughout Ogden.
Marion Chessman Reese Collection
This collection contains materials related to the Ogden High School Class of 1933. It includes reunion items, photographs, and obituaries from the members of the class.
Ogden High Pep Club and Cheerleaders, 1947-1948
Ogden High ROTC
Writing on photograph: “They are the only group of girl sponsors of R.O.T.C. in America to wear full soldier dress uniforms. They hail from the Ogden, Utah, High School and are to be hostesses at the annual cadet hop taking place in February. Top row (L to R) Eleanor Stevens, Charlene Scowcroft, Maxine Fox, Beth Peck, Athlene Budge, and Shirley Halverson. Back row (L to R) Iras Leavitt, Nelda Allen, Perry Ward, Guinevere Hess, Marjorie Anderson and Alda Sailor. February 7, 1930.
Ogden High School
This collection contains materials related to Ogden High School including commencement programs, plays, sports, and reunions.