Showing Collections: 41 - 42 of 42
Wade In The Water
Identifier: MSS-083
Scope and Contents
Brochure and posters pertaining to the “Wade in the
Water: Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit of African
American Sacred Music Traditions”, Ogden Union
Station, Ogden, Utah February-March 2000.
Found in:
WSU Stewart Library Special Collections
William Ronald Ross Collection
Identifier: MS-504
Scope and Contents
The William Ronald Ross Manuscript Collection includes materials related to Ron Ross’s Career as an actor, musician, and writer. It also includes some of his professional work. Namely, his thesis dissertation for his Ph.D., his two act children’s play, “The Day it Was Night,” and original poetry. Items presented in this collection include; photographs, original works, professional portraits and documents, sheet music, and a scrapbook.The manuscripts are roughly broken up into...
No dates, mostly music and poetry
Found in:
WSU Stewart Library Special Collections