Showing Collections: 1841 - 1850 of 1885
William Taylor Watts Missionary Card
William Thomas, Jr. papers
William W. Terry Manuscript Collection
Collection from William W. Terry. This collection contains the research of Terry as he wrote his book "Weber County is Worth Knowing."
William Ward Family Photographs
Family photographs of William Ward and his wife, Celestia Bailey Ward and a photograph of their children, Raymond Hyrum Ward and William Ivan Ward. Sepia, 4 x 5 ½, c.a. 1891-1900. J. Pasevitch Photography, Ogden, Utah. Collection includes family group record from the Family Search Organization in Salt Lake City, Utah, obtained from the internet.
Willow Creek Stray List
Willow Creek, Weber County, Utah stray list for value of lost cattle. Dated June
15, 1855.
Wilson S. Carr Manuscript Collection
This collection contains a military discharge paper for Wilson S. Carr in 1864 and a petition of the federal government for a pension in behalf of Wilson S. Car to Mrs. Estella E. Carr. Also included in the collection is an agreement of the donation of the Wilson S. Carr documents to Weber State College.
Winslow's Hotel Card
Calling card for Mrs. J. H. Winslow
W.N. Jacobsen prints
Walter Norman Jacobsen was a prominent Western artist that owned a gallery in Ogden called Summer Studio and Gallery. He was born Feb. 11, 1911 in Logan Utah he was the son of Norwegian immigrants.
Women's Auxiliary to the Railway Mail Association, 1942-1944
Item 1 Constitution and By-laws Ogden Branch Item 2 Yearbook: 1942-1944