Showing Collections: 1741 - 1750 of 1885
War Ration Book V Envelope
This collection contains an envelope to a war-time ration book.
War Service Cards
This collection contains service cards for servicemen from Weber County primarily during World War I, but also some from World War II. The cards are listed alphabetically by last name. Most of the cards include information such as their home address in Weber County, their branch of service, countries served in, discharge or death dates, and next of kin. There are also fewer than two dozen cards for nurses and Forest Service personnel.
Warranty Deed
This collection contains a warranty deed between Ephriam and Hanna Sprague and Samuel (Kirkpatrick?).
Warren L. Wattis Collection
"1 box of photographs, correspondence, legal documents and other memorabilia "
Warren L. Wattis Photograph Collection
Photographs from the Warren L. Wattis family of Utah. Includes baby photographs of Lloyd Wattis, Lloyd Wattis at about age six in baseball uniform, Warren L. Wattis as a young man about 25, Lloyd and wife Carye C. Wattis, and Veda Wattis. Color, black and white, 5 x 7.
Washburn Letter
Wat Misaka collection
Wattis Family Reunion
This collection contains materials related to the Wattis Family Reunion held in Ogden, Utah in June 2007.