Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 82
Ogden Stockyard Platter
Ogden Stockyards Collection
Olene Walker Collection
This collection contains photographs and early documents from Olene Walker and the Smith family. It also houses the awards and memorabilia during Walker's political career.
Peterson vs Ballantyne
Affidavit dated February 11, 1892 and correspondence (court room exhibits) for Weber County, Utah property dispute between John P. Peterson and the Ballantyne Bros., 1891. J.S. Painter, of the law firm Painter and Murphy, represented Peterson. The correspondence is dated September 15, 1891 and October 24, 1900. In Oversize manuscript drawer.
Petitions For The James Brown and Lorin Farr Monuments
Petitions from Ogden and Weber County, Utah schools and from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wards and stakes from the Ogden and Weber County area, 1947, for financial support of the erection of two monuments on City Hall Park, Ogden for Ogden pioneers James Brown and Lorin Farr. This project was arranged and organized by the State Centennial Committee.
Pioneer School PTA
"21 binders/scrapbooks with photos and PTA minutes, also some loose manuscript material"
Plain City Farming
Ralph S. Thompson Collection
This collection came from Ralph S. Thompson. It includes brief histories on the Cattle Industry in Ogden, Native plants to Weber County , and his time at the Naval Supply Depot- Clearfield.
Richard Roberts Collection
This collection contains the research and writings of Richard Roberts into the histories of Weber County, Utah and Ogden, Utah. The collection is arranged by topic.
Richard Roberts Historical Ogden Photograph Collection
This collection contains originals and copies of photographs collected by Dr. Richard Roberts. Most of the photographs were used in his book co-author with Dr. Richard Sadler titled “Weber County’s History.” The files may also include the caption and sidebar used in the book.