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Phyllis (Burnett) and Gordon Yocum Collection

Identifier: MS-042


Civil War Memorabilia and Yocum Indentures/Deeds.


  • Creation: 1670 - 1918


6 Boxes

Language of Materials




Fd 1 Honorable discharge from military service, enabling promotion for Sergeant Joseph Warren Yocum, July 23, 1868

Fd 2 Monthly return of quartermaster’s stores for February 1865 by Captain Joseph Warren Yocum

Fd 3 Transfer of quartermaster’s stores to Lieut. Joseph Warren Yocum, February 1, 1865


Fd 1 Civil War cap, belt buckles, spur, and cartridge. Mementos of Major Joseph Warren Yocum

BOX 3 (Oversize)

Fd 1 Letters of Scouts – Indian War in Florida, 1839. Military information collected and sent during Indian War

Fd 2 Letter written by Major Joseph Warren Yocum to his parents, July 16, 1863. Recounts the life of the soldier on the march from Virginia to the battle of Gettysburg and then back to Virginia

Fd 3 Columbia Daily Spy, April 5, 1918. Notice of Major Joseph Warren Yocum’s death

BOX 4 (Oversize)

Vault Authenticated United States flag of the Civil War era. Dated and signed by makers “W. E. Garrett & Sons, 246 So. Front St., Phila., April 30, 1861.”

BOX 5 (Oversize)

Vault Authenticated sword of the Civil War era. One of a pair which hung over the door of Attorney Gordon Yocum’s grandmother’s home

BOX 6 (Oversize)


Yocum Indentures/Deeds (Oversize)

Fd 1 Deed written in Ireland, 1670, and brought to Pennsylvania by one of the early settlers

Fd 2 Deed by Edward and Margaret Shippen, parents of Peggy Shippen who married Benedict Arnold. Property in the deed was a piece of real estate owned by Edward Shippen who was a judge in 1770 and became Chief Justice of Pennsylvania after the Revolutionary War

Fd 3 Deed written in 1775 to Robert Morris who was a financier of the American Revolution and a signer of the Declaration of Independence

Fd 4 Deed signed by Thomas Mifflin regarding property once owned by Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Mifflin was the first governor of Pennsylvania, was an important person in the First Continental Congress, and was president of Congress in 1783

Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the WSU Stewart Library Special Collections Repository

3921 Central Campus Drive Dept 2901
Ogden UT 84408